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Jan 6th - A Year Later

It's been one year since the Jan 6th "event" at the capitol. The riot. The insurrection. The protest of election results. It was the day our nation's holy temple of democracy was pillaged and plundered, desecrated; A day that was deeply polarizing and contentious, shocking and disturbing.

The Arise Podcast created a special bonus episode: A Collection of Stories and Laments as we come to the anniversary of the Jan 6th 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol.

Danielle and I put this together and collaborated on this project while on Occupied Suquamish Territory: "We would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is within the aboriginal territory of the suq̀wabš “People of Clear Salt Water” (Suquamish People). Expert fisherman, canoe builders and basket weavers, the suq̀wabš live in harmony with the lands and waterways along Washington’s Central Salish Sea as they have for thousands of years. Here, the suq̀wabš live and protect the land and waters of their ancestors for future generations as promised by the Point Elliot Treaty of 1855."

We asked former guests, friends and colleagues what they remember about this day? What this event meant to them? How they are feeling a year later. Hearing the words, stories and tears from each of the folks who’ve taken the time to lend their voice to this project has been a powerful lament that I have felt deeply within my body. For some it will be triggering and we encourage folks to be mindful of themselves while listening. Take breaks. Talk to a friend. Share your own story.

Here is an excerpt from my journal one year ago that I shared:

"Jan 6, 2021 Honestly I’ve got too many words and thoughts for what has transpired today. Trump supporters, radicalized and encouraged by Trump, rioted, broke into the US Capitol and sought to stop the counting of the electoral votes claiming election fraud. “An Election was stolen,” Trump said. 4 Dead. Many arrested. I’m completely shocked at the scary and dangerous level of these “nationalists.” Really, it’s the stuff we hear about happening in other countries. This is the world we brought our children into? Wow. I want to have hope in our government but I clearly cannot. I want to see change led by the church, but I do not.

"Where are you God and what are you up to? Your endless patience, long suffering and waiting for someone to partner with… I just don’t think humankind has got enough for you to work with right now. [And yet] even as I write this I know it to not be true. [Once] again I’m looking in the wrong place.

"God show me. I know in my head you are good and you are near. I can’t feel you. I can’t see you. Help me. I want you to make all things new. Have you started? I know you’re doing things in my family and in me… but what is [happening in] the big picture? Where is the grand finale, the great reversal, the coming of your upside-down kingdom?

"These are strange and wild times. Division is palpable. I can feel myself want to withdraw inward, to hole up and focus on “just my little world,” but I know this is not the way.

I remember in the days and months following that day, the haunting and disturbing images on the news and in social media. I felt sick, disgust, anxious and afraid. Truly afraid for the uncertain times ahead. Some of these feels continue as I recently read the news regarding the investigation that there is “significant testimony” that Trump’s own daughter asked him to intervene and stop what was happening at the capitol and he refused.

"The disgust and fear around how much evil was at work that day is scary, even a year later."

This is just my story. Please listen to this episode and hear from others how this day impacted them. Share it with friends. Take time today to tend to and care for your own story and remembrances from this day.


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